Activity report from BBHC staff

June/July Report

New orphanage roof

Medical Relief Activities

As the need for acute care lessens, our mobile clinics sites have been consolidated to four and the frequency of visits have become twice monthly at each site since the second week of June. Our focus has shifted more towards health maintenance and preventive medicine.The number of patients seen for June and July is 1299. Expenditure for salaries of staff, medicines, meals and transportation = $4,450

Emergency Relief Supplies
Distribution of emergency relief supplies (mosquito nets, shelter material, rice, etc.) in June andJuly = $12,360

Activities for Early Recovery

To date 93 tillers have been distributed through a low-interest loan program to the neediest farmers in Dedaye, Laputta and Kunchangone townships.The cost of tillers and shipment = $48,785 Roofing and school supplies for orphanage rebuilding in the town of Kunchangone = $2,600

Current Projects

In addition to the ongoing mobile clinics, there is an urgent need for fertilizers in the field. Poor seed and growing conditions are having an adverse effect. We are getting requests from farmers every few days for help and financial assistance. One bag of fertilizer costs 35,000 MMK approximately 33 US$. $11,400 will be used for provision of fertilizers through interest-free loan programs for farmers in Dedaye Township. This will cover 356 acres of rice paddy fields.

Rice paddy in need of fertilizer

Future Plans

Our primary focus will be on the newly expended mobile clinics. We will continue to operate these clinics and incorporate these into our permanent BBHC activities. We are actively recruiting staff to open permanent BBHC clinics in these new areas of operations. Although our main area of interest is on healthcare, Cyclone Nargis has affected Burma in such a devastating scale that we are committed to continue helping with this rebuilding process. We will continue with our ongoing support for the farmers to help them plant rice and have a successful crop which is the quickest way to get them back on their feet. We are also supporting the Kunchangone orphanage which currently has no permanent housing for girls and is in the process of building one.

Donations and Expenditures to date
Donations $169,212.02
Medical Relief   $13,704.00
Emergency Relief Supplies   $25,640.00
Recovery projects
     Orphanage     $2,600.00
     Embankment      $9,000.00
     Farming    $58,285.00
Total Expenditures $109,229.00
Balance $59,983.02